Race For The Rescues is a fundraiser. One hundred percent of the net proceeds go to support local, non-profit, 501(c)3, animal welfare organizations. We rely on individuals like you to help us save the lives of thousands of homeless animals in Southern California.
Raising money for animals is easy! Here are a few tips to get started.
· Set a fundraising goal and ask everyone to help you achieve it!
· Start a team and ask your family, friend and co-workers to join.
· Email all of your contacts! Ask them to support your efforts. Tell them why Race For The Rescues and animal welfare matters to you.
· Use Social Media to get the word out about your race.
· Walk in honor of a beloved pet. If you have a special rescue in your life you can dedicate your race to them and upload personal photos on your personal and team pages.
Thank you for your compassion! Together we can make the world a kinder place.